
to list the grammar points by HSK level

ID: 371
HSK: 3
format: Subj. + 被 (+ Doer) + Verb + 了
example: 我 被 他 骗 了 。
details: 被 (bèi) sentences are simply sentences which use a passive verb and the word 被. 被 sentences are not the only way to create the passive verb form in Chinese, but they are the most common and definitely the type to tackle first.
exception: Normal use of 被 has a few preconditions:
The verb to be used with 被 needs to have an object (this will become the new subject of the 被 sentence). Verbs that take objects are called transitive verbs.
If you're going to state who the verb was done by (the "doer"), then the subject doing the original action must be known.
The verb can't be too simple (for example, a one-character verb like 吃). Put simply, something needs to come after the verb. That "something" can be a particle like 了, a complement, or sometimes even an additional object.
keyword: 被 + 了
class: char,n,p,undefined,u,v