
class of words

abbv: a2
Chinese: 两音节形容词
full name: Two-Syllable Adjestive
alt name: AB, AABB
remark: Not all adjectives can take AABB form. Here are some examples of common adjectives that don't work in AABB form. 好看 → 好好看看 [wrong] 好吃 → 好好吃吃 [wrong]

  • 高兴 → 高高兴兴Gāoxìng → gāo gāoxìng xìng (happy/happily)
  • 开心 → 开开心心kāixīn → kāi kāixīn xīn (happy/happily)
  • 热闹 → 热热闹闹rènào → rè rènào nào (lively-bustling with noise and excitement)
  • 干净 → 干干净净gānjìng → gàn gānjìng jìng (clean)
  • 漂亮 → 漂漂亮亮piàoliang → piào piàoliang liàng (beautiful/beautifully)
  • 安静 → 安安静静ānjìng → ān ānjìng jìng (quiet/quietly)
  • 健康 → 健健康康jiànkāng → jiàn jiànkāng kāng (healthy/healthily)
  • 清楚 → 清清楚楚 qīngchǔ → qīng qīngchǔ chǔ (clear/clearly)
  • 舒服 → 舒舒服服 Shūfú → shū shūfú fú (comfortable/comfortably)
