
show common words by HSK levels, it has 8 fields :

1. character : show the words it can be one to a few characters, each forms different meanings

2. HSK : the words' corresponding HSK level, these are commonly recommended by most teaching institute.

3. PinYin : the pinyin of those words (WITH SPACES BETWEEN PINYIN)

4.  Meaning: meaning of that words

5. CH-HSK ; to get HSK level of each CH

6. exception: exception or remark

7. class: class of word

8. frequency: appearance in 100 characters

as of Oct 1, 2010 14411 records

character: 霸道
HSK: 6
PinYin: ba4 dao4
Meaning: overbearing; high-handed, arbitrary, tyranny; (of liquor, medicine etc) strong; potent; the Way of the Hegemon, abbr. of 霸王之道; despotic rule; rule by might; evil as opposed to the Way of the King 王道;
CH-HSK: 62
class: vphr
frequency: 0