
this database includes 5 fields :

word_count : the number of words in a sentence

character_count : the number of Chinese character in that sentence, English, numeric or punctuation are ignored.

sentence : the sentence itself

pinyin : the pinyin with tone in number

meaning : the English meaning of that text

phrase_count : the number of phrase character in that sentence, All punctuation except " are counted.

GID : check the sentences with phrase count as 1 and verify its grammar ID from grammar table

18838 record as of Oct 6, 2020

18842 record as of Feb 8, 2021 and add 449 from grammar example

and add another 37 records on 20210209, total  19328

Author first name:
Author surname:

word_count: 5
character_count: 10
sentence: 什么 时候 来 我 新 家 玩 吧
pinyin: shen2me5shi2hou5 lai2 wo3 xin1jia1 wan2ba5
meaning: When will you come to my new home?
phrase_count: 1
GID: 15,114,115,116,301,343

word_count: 5
character_count: 6
sentence: 他 有 姚明 高 吗 ?
pinyin: ta1 you3 yao2ming2 gao1 ma5
meaning: Does he have Yao Ming Gao?
phrase_count: 1
GID: 120,121,122,394

word_count: 5
character_count: 7
sentence: 他 有 我 做 得 好 吗 ?
pinyin: ta1 you3 wo3 zuo4de2 hao3ma5
meaning: Is he doing well with me?
phrase_count: 1
GID: 120,121,122,220,394,395

word_count: 6
character_count: 9
sentence: 这个 药 有 这么 神奇 吗 ?
pinyin: zhe4ge5 yao4 you3 zhe4me5 shen2qi2 ma5
meaning: Is this medicine so magical?
phrase_count: 1
GID: 120,121,122,205,394,396

word_count: 7
character_count: 12
sentence: 跟 上海 比 ,我 老家 的 物价 很 低
pinyin: gen1 shang4hai3 bi3 wo3 lao3jia1de5 wu4jia4 hen3di1
meaning: Compared with Shanghai, the prices in my hometown are very low
phrase_count: 2

word_count: 8
character_count: 20
sentence: 跟 十年前 比 起来 ,中国人 的 生活水平 提高了 很多
pinyin: gen1 shi2nian2qian bi3qi5lai5 zhong1guo2ren2 de5 sheng1huo2shui3ping2 ti2gao1le5 hen3duo1
meaning: Compared with ten years ago, the living standards of Chinese people have improved a lot.
phrase_count: 2

word_count: 5
character_count: 9
sentence: 上海 比 纽约 人口 更 多
pinyin: shang4hai3 bi3 niu3yue1 ren2kou3 geng4duo1
meaning: Shanghai has more population than New York
phrase_count: 1
GID: 281,282,307,308,399

word_count: 5
character_count: 9
sentence: 拼音 比 汉字 容易 很多
pinyin: pin1yin1 bi3 han4zi4 rong2yi4 hen3duo1
meaning: Pinyin is much easier than Chinese characters
phrase_count: 1
GID: 238,307,400

word_count: 4
character_count: 8
sentence: 你 (比 我) 有经验 多了
pinyin: ni3 bi3wo3 you3jing1yan4 duo1le5
meaning: You (than me) have more experience
phrase_count: 1
GID: 121,239,307,400,401

word_count: 8
character_count: 16
sentence: 除了 价格 以外 ,其他 方面 我们 都 很 满意
pinyin: chu2le5 jia4ge2 yi3wai4 qi2ta1 fang1mian4 wo3men5 dou1 hen3man3yi4
meaning: In addition to the price, we are very satisfied with other aspects
phrase_count: 2