
this database includes 5 fields :

word_count : the number of words in a sentence

character_count : the number of Chinese character in that sentence, English, numeric or punctuation are ignored.

sentence : the sentence itself

pinyin : the pinyin with tone in number

meaning : the English meaning of that text

phrase_count : the number of phrase character in that sentence, All punctuation except " are counted.

GID : check the sentences with phrase count as 1 and verify its grammar ID from grammar table

18838 record as of Oct 6, 2020

18842 record as of Feb 8, 2021 and add 449 from grammar example

and add another 37 records on 20210209, total  19328

word_count: 46
character_count: 80
sentence: 不过,任何解决[苏联经济失调]的办法都受到权力危机的影响,在改革与开放,经济与政治之间产生一种自相矛盾僵持不下的情况:任何振兴经济的办法不过煽起民众的忿怒并损及政府威信而已。
pinyin: bu4guo4 ren4he2 jie3jue2 su1lian2 jing1ji4 shi1tiao2 de5 ban4fa3 dou1 shou4dao4 quan2li4 wei1ji1 de5 ying3xiang3 zai4 gai3ge2 yu3 kai1fang4 jing1ji4 yu3 zheng4zhi4 zhi1jian1 chan3sheng1 yi1zhong3 zi4xiang1mao2dun4 jiang1chi2 bu4xia4 de5 qing2kuang4 ren4he2 zhen4xing1 jing1ji4 de5 ban4fa3 bu4guo4 shan1 qi3 min2zhong4 de5 fen4nu4 bing4 sun3 ji2 zheng4fu3 wei1xin4 er2yi3
meaning: Any solution [to Soviet economic malaise], however, is hostage to the crisis of authority, creating a catch-22 stalemate between perestroika and glasnost, between economics and politics: any measure to shore up the economy only fans public anger and reduces the authority of the Government.
phrase_count: 4